
Your First Name *
Your Surname *
Your Email *
How To Hold Me Accountable
One of the most challenging aspects of coaching is knowing what to do when the person I’m working with is not completing the work we’ve agreed upon. Since everyone’s motivations are different, I’d like you to tell me how I should respond in these situations:
If you are not prepared for a scheduled meeting (first time), would you like me to: *
If you are not prepared for a scheduled meeting (repeated offence), would you like me to: *
If you do not complete the work required to move forward toward your goals (first time), would you like me to: *
If you do not complete the work required to move forward toward your goals (first time), would you like me to: *
If, after 90 days of coaching, you have not achieved the goals we outlined at the beginning of our relationship, would you like me to: *

Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm
Saturday & Sunday 8am – 1pm

Co. Down Northern Ireland

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